5 janvier 2017

A look back (2016)

Art summary (previous years)
mmmmmmmmmmm (ㅎ.ㅎ )
I’ve done a lot in january and february thanks to con prep hell, but the rest of the year…It was tough to find something to fill each month  (´•▿•) If not for the revue+natsume zine, I wouldn’t have any other finished drawing.
2017 goals:
● Interactions between characters
● Anatomy
● Work faster
● &get more done, even if it turns out ugly lol
+ angel mik AU comic
+ actually, draw more suremikus :3c
+ original/OCs as well

Things that happened
Tales of Zestiria
I started playing the game right at the beginning of the year. There are now 40+ TOZ related doodles in my folder…I’ve never drawn this much for a series before…! (I’ve also never spent so much for a ship before /stares at burning wallet)
This fandom gives me so!! much!!!! happiness!!!! yet is one of my biggest sources of anxiety haha;;; it has so many warm and enthusiastic people! For that same reason, it can feel very lonely at times _(:3」∠)_ /lurking forever
I’m a rather boring person tbh;;; trying to contribute to the fandom tends to make me anxious, since there are so many amazing artists and creative people out there….! Anyway, I look forward to checking the tags every day. Whether it’s drawing, writing, or showing appreciation for the game/series, every positive post reminds me how much I enjoy zesty and its cast…! (and srmk <><>!!!!!!)

Thank you so much for bearing with me, I hope 2017 treats everyone well!!
(↓ feat. art from Erasable and Chim!)


First time tabling
…Now that I think about it, I’ve been so embarrassing about it ughH

Being able to see something I drew printed was an incredible feeling. I was really touched by how supportive everyone was ;V; People putting my buttons on their shirts or bags after buying them, or some who bought postcards without knowing about the series they were from!???! q__q

A friend also dropped by and said “I’m proud of you” (I WAS SO EMOTIONAL FOR A SEC LIKE. w-woah i’m behind the table this time!!!! after years of admiring you guys…!!). My table didn’t look very good (it was so…empty…….) and there were a few issues, but overall, it was an amazing experience.


First time participating to a zine
La revue des artistes (organized by Mew and Lox)
Where I should be (organized by Erasable)

I’m really grateful for the opportunities.


Let’s make 2017 a good one..!

12 janvier 2016

To those ever-changing days

UHH!? 2015 has ended already !!!!? What happened to this year...As usual, I feel like I can barely remember the early part of the year. And to be honest, the fact that I pretty much ditched this blog is not exactly helping...Σ( ̄□ ̄;)

A 2015 review:
Taken from mellyart again, w/some changes.

What did you do in 2015 that you’d never done before?
I got to do some cheebs commissions during Polymanga !!
(And my commission sample sold!! Incredible.)
I graduated high school ! Actually, it not exactly that much of an achievement, but I do remember all the struggle the weeks before. Exams went alright, in the end!

I started college. Again, it was something I was really afraid of, since going to the other side of the country (okay, this is Switzerland, it's still close enough from home) had the whole "new-people-new-place-new-everything" going with it. I'm so glad and relieved everything worked out alright.

Went to my first night of the museums!! I missed the first edition, but managed to go that one!
It was a lot of fun!!!!!

Really trivial and kinda embarassing, but......Taking pictures of myself, and asking friends to take some with me. It was something I couldn't do at all before due to various reasons lmao

Did you achieve your goals for the year, and will you make more for next year?
From my last post, my 2015 goals were..."Draw more", "Study properly", "Make a better use of my money", "Make more time for things I like to do and stress less over things I can't change" and "Become a better, happier person".

Well, it's not like I didn't managed to do anything ? Uh, now that sentence was confusing. I did draw more (even though it was not as much as I wanted...), but the way I study is still awful. That last week of the autumn semester at uni was a...disaster. Also, I pretty much stopped buying figures except the ones I really really really wanted (Damn, that cute jiji nendo). Finally...I feel like I managed to improve as a person. I really hope so! but I do get the feeling that I'm doing better than before. I've met w/friends a lot over the last months, and I definitely tried to talk at least a little with everyone in uni. 

What countries did you visit?
Italy!! Another 2015 major event!!!!!! It's also something I'd never done before! My first trip abroad with friends. We went to Venice for our hs graduation trip. Venice is a place I kind of love because of Aria (Amano Kozue), so I think I got so annoying and obnoxious there...( 〃..)
It was a wonderful trip! I'll treasure the memories.

What would you like to have in 2016 that you lacked in 2015?
A job............/coughs/
Confidence, drawing experience (USE REFERENCES GDI).

What was the best thing you bought?
Among many things...My Mikazuki Munechika nendoroid, Suou's artbook "La Lumière", Mochizuki Jun's artbook "There is", a watercolor print in Burano that reminded me of Aria.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
Friends, both from internet and irl! Once again, thank you so much for bearing with me and giving me a sense of worth through every one of our interactions.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Polymanga! And it turned out to be an amazing experience
The Venice trip! Same!! ^o^

What song will always remind you of 2015?

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 20 this year!!!!!!! Is that supposed to be a big step or something-
Anyway, I think it was my first time ever organizing something for my birthday! 
Everyone came over and we had some food prepared and cake and and---!!!!
It was something small but time passed so quickly!!?? and I was so happy aahh.....


There are: 4 girls, 8 guys here--- Uh, that's not so bad!
There are: 6 "drawings", 6 "doodles". ...I'm impressed. 

Overall, there are a lot more completed drawings than last year.
I wonder if I can do better this year ? Since there are many things to come and all---

2016 goals!!!

Make my first convention experience a success!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's like the most important thing I need to focus on right now, and I'm determined to make it work!
There are a lot of issues to solve before the actual event, and I sure hope it will be alright...!

Draw more complete drawings! (dynamics, background, "feeling")
Aka avoid simple portraits/half body with no or a plain colored background only.
My goal is to draw more stuff I can be satisfied enough with to call them "prints".

Improve various things by learning how to reference.
Hands, feet, overall anatomy, coloring etc. Learn to keep and draw again, not only to copy once.

Spend more time on traditional drawings
I've got a lot of drawings supplies (inks !!!!!!) I would like to put to use!
It would be pretty disrespectful for the people who gave them to me otherwise.

Work on my OCs, practice how to draw comics
Finish the fullbodies to make their character sheets!!

Same as last year, become a better, happier person
Damn right.

30 juillet 2015

summer session

July is ending, isn't it...sigh
This is kind of embarrassing, but I'm starting to look forward to next year...! While still being an nervous mess, of course. If everything goes well, many things are going to change. I hope I'll enjoy those...!? Well, we don't have a place to live yet, so there's no need to get my hopes up so soon.

- get Amedrop done !? (missing line + what should I do with the drawings...)
- finish learning kanas (katakanas left!!!! and practice to get used to read them!)
- get a haircut
- start packing

- art raffle prizes (710)
- AT with Lychee (-)

as doodle:
fuuka (476) - eren (477) - ayano (501) - aki&momoko (506)
amacchi (511) - ponytail girl (512) - shion (526) - aki&seiji (538) 
aki&toki (539) - eren by the light of the moon (587) - school sweet (589) 
gokotai (601) - momoko (626) - isabel&farlan (638) - shiraishi (643)
leith icon (645) - ethel (646) - ethel (653) - aki&seiji (667) - yotsuba (669)
nagisa&karma (689) - jay (692) - persona 5 (705) - crying souji (711)
shou barista (716) - kougyoku (720)

as CGs:
tv person (450) - minato (454) - badges (459) - various prints (502)
yotsuba (513) - magical (521) aoba&clear (534) - manaka (546)
minato (566) - aki fullbody (570) - sheep mikos (572) - rui hny (579)
eren 2x (584) - eva&claudie (596-599) - shou&hayashi (607) 
nagisa&karma (619) - sky cape (622) - eva&claudie (room) (624)
chibi madotsuki (610) - chibis stickers (628) - leith chara sheet (640)
arslan (649) - flower girl (652) - shigatsu kaori (654) - sleeping wirt (660)
aki&sei (670) - ethel (673) - hibiki kuze (680) - shou fullbody (693)
squid sisters (700) - tanabata (703) - baymax series (709) - chika&aria (713)
eren sticker (717) - sora no woto (718) - tama wixoss (723)